o Provided 91,000 nights of shelter.
o Created & maintained 146 housing matches, representing 292 families, a total of 369 individuals.
o 4,100 individuals assisted, including existing and new Home Providers and Seekers counseled and matched
by our staff. In addition, our staff provided information and advocacy for those needing other housing options.
o At this time, there are more Seekers than Providers.
o Over the years, we have had more than 1,800 housing matches.
o Average length of housing match is 15 Months.
o Longest length of housing match is 20 Years.
o All age groups, widows, widowers, single parent with children, disabled, elderly, students.
o 81% earn less than $30,000.
o 35% have a disability.
o 36% are female-headed households.
o 38% are elderly.
o 10% are under 18 with a parent.
The health and well-being of Home Providers and Seekers are improved through additional income for necessities, stable affordable housing, companionship, and security.
o Providers are able to remain in their homes & communities by receiving additional financial assistance
in exchange for services from Seekers.
o Enables the older adults to continue to live at home.
o Seekers obtain suitable and affordable housing.